Friday 12 August 2016

Ups and Downs

An even earlier start as I was on the bus at 8am to go for my regular mammogram. I was well in advance so walked from the terminus to the clinic where I was at least 30 mins early. It was quiet and I was taken more or less straight away. Had the interpretation from the doctor (all in order) and the plates and written report in my hand by the time of my scheduled appointment. Walked back to the bus station and rather than wait for well over an hour, I decided to take an early bus into Céret and go to the bank. Yes, friends, the code arrived yesterday. That's to say, the second one did!
What do they say about pride coming before a fall? I've a pair of very wide legged trousers that I really love and think I'm the real deal in themn but despite a fall and a few near misses, I continue to wear them. Should know better because having taken care coming down the steps of the bus when I got off, I'd oly gone about 10m when I caught my foot and went flying. Landed on my left hand, bumped my head, grazed my kee and felt a fool in front of several people who came to my aid.
At the bank: 
Eh, grhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the damn thing didn't work because the chip was damaged. The bank made another request; this time for a new card which they charmingly said, I wouldn't be charged for.
Had gone a couple of hundred metres from the bank when I realised that I'd lost my shirt that I'd been carrying in case I needed protection from the sun. Back to bank: no sign. Back to the newsagents; no sign. All the time trying to take care not to fall again. Lo and behold, on the way back to the bus it was sitting on a fence where someone had placed it.
Spent the afternoon with my wrist inside an ice sleeve (one that you'd normally use to cool a bottle of wine) and another on my knee!
Didn't venture out this evening. Rested in front of the tv; it was safer. Sadly, I've decided that the trousers will have to be cut down as much as my vanity has!
29°, sun , wind 

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