Sunday 21 August 2016

Sorry for the Lack of Photos

21.8.16: More Music
Coffee this morning with the usual crowd but didn't stay for lunch. Tackled the ironing this afternoon and made up the beds for next week's visitors. Well, with 4 bedrooms+ to clean, I can't leave it all to the last minute. Oh, why did Thérèse have to take her holidays at this particular moment?
Joined, Nicole S, Anne and Florence for more music at the bar this evening; Much more like it. So much so, that I stayed until the end. Felt a bit like the Titanic with only seven of us left on the terrace.
Sorry that I've been so lax about taking photos to brighten up the blog.this week but there hasn't been anything much going on. Shame I didn't take one of Jaques in his beekeeping gear though.
28°, blue skies,, wind, chilly eveneing

20.8.16:No More Cash Flow Worries
My bank card finally arrived yesterday. So much for the two days, the woman in the bank talked about. Pretty impossible with a weekend and public holiday in the way. Anyway, it's good not to be living off borrowed money and to be able to pay my debts.
Went into the market with Jacques and before coming home we chatted about his USA/Mexico trip and about life over a glass of wine.
This evening the "Café des Copines" women's group met at the other bar for a grill. All 7 of us were contentd with our welcome.and with what was on our plates. To be repeated, we decided.
From there, Nicole P, Christiane and I went down to the recreation ground to watch some sardane dancing. Not many people there which was a shame but there again, there didn't seem to have been much publicity. We all bought raffle tickets but none of us won. The village butcher had donated a prize of chacuterie which was won by his uncle; himself a retired butcher! It was quite chilly in the wind so Nicole and I came back up to the café for a warm drink with Tery and Ann
27° feeling chillier, cloudy all day, wind

19.8.16: Procrastination
Spent a couple of hours preparing for a  meeting with David and Laura  to talk about the proposed Scottish trip for the association over lunch. Still, I always was a last minuter. We had lunch at the restaurant and then retired to the bar to pour over various websites. Why can't we find where we want to go, at the time we want to go, staying in well reviewed accomodation all at a bargain price? Seems like compromise is going to be inevitable..
Went back in the evening to listen to an Irish group. Sadly all I got for the effort was some  pretty mediocre music and mossie bites.
29°, sun. Only a spit of rain despite the brooding clouds

18.8.16: Al Fresco Dining
How quickly the language exchange comes around! Nothing of note to report. A rosé at the bar and a one course lunch with Terry and Ann.
Had a surprise visit this afternoon from Trudi and Christian who are in the area on holiday from Switzerland. I was touched that they'd taken the trouble to look me up.
Once they'd gone, I got out the wooden spoon and made a cake for dinner at Kathy's. Linde brought stuffed mussels which is my prefered way of eating them. All very pleasant and there's an apéro in "our" garden in the offing. Yes, I still have my fifth share.
29°, sun

17.8.16: Do You Speak English?
Gave Nicole P an English lesson over coffee this morning and had a square screens afternoon.
31°, sun, rain shower, distant thunder

16.8.16: Doing Battle
Started the day with a visit to the osteopath who came highly recommended by Rowena. He was good and really put my back into better shape despite there being some arthritis. He advised me to give up milk products, cut down on sugar and get more exercise. Umph, we'll see. Had time for a coffee before my bus home, a trip that took 25 minutes instead of 10!
Had lunch with Yasmin at the Quattrocenco overlooking the fountain with 9 jets and where we were seranaded with music. All very agreeable.
Had coffee in another café under the plane trees and then came back to sort out Yasmin's building permission at the Mairie. On leaving there, I bumped into Martine and we went to the other village bar and had tea on the patio at the back.
As night fell, Jacques, the bee-keeper came in full kit to try and aerosol the wasps to death. I could hear them going crazy above my bedroom ceiling which is under the eaves. He's not sure it will work as he couldn't see the nest, so fingers crossed. Discretion  being the better part of valour, I once again slept on the settee.
28°, sun

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