Friday 3 February 2017

Computer Mania

Stirred myself to get out for a bit of a walk in the sun followed by coffee at the bar. Foutered around during the afternoon and then met David and Laura in the bar before the vernissage to talk about the Scottish visit.
Another exhibition of paintings using red and black. Last time the theme was Japan; this time bulls and flamenco. Fortunately, there were a few more of us in attendance. Michel, who is the councillor responsible for culture, cited Christian's room and my presence in his speech. I'm such a sucker for a little bit of reflected glory! What was even better, he came back to check my computers. One hadn't been plugged in properly (felt a real numpty) but in my defence, it's a bit of a struggle to get the new plug in easily. He cleaned up the hard drive on the other one and suggested that it needs a bit more ventilation.
Michel went off for dinner with friends and I joined Patricia at the bar (3rd time in one day!) for a drink which was a pleasant way to round off the day.
15°, blue skies

Thursday has come around again so once more it was a not very exciting morning at the language exchange. Thank goodness for a wee recompense at the bar afterwards.
Into computer overload at the moment; one won't connect, another keeps freezing and I'm still getting to grips with the new tablet. That, however, is more fun; the rest is plain old tedious.
15°, sun and strong winds

The day started with an unwelcome surprise; bread has gone up by 10c. Then it was into the kitchen to prepare dinner (chicken couscous and warm dried fruit compote with vanilla ice cream) for JJ, David and Laura. Not too stressful especially as JJ is always happy to do the drinks.
14°, cloudless sky

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