Tuesday 28 February 2017

February's End

28.2.17: Water, Water Everywhere
A smart new heating/air-conditioning unit is now installed in the nest. Spanish this afternoon, then made a few flowers, went around to Jackie's for tea but she wasn't there (?) Tore more of my hair out trying to work on the computer and am ferourently hoping that the guy in the village who sorts out errant equipment will come and work miracles.
Dinner at Jacques' along with Kathy and and another Jackie. Mexican, of course (the meal, not Jackie) and the first test of saying "no" to alcohol. Water instead of a margarita .... oh, woe is me.
15°,  chilly,

27.2.17: What a Card!
Had a coffee with Nicole P this morning and started the killer antibiotics at lunchtime as they need to be taken with food. So, the no alcohol  regime starts here.
Funny old afternoon; tried on my playing cards sandwich board for the carnival. Not easy to wear I can tell you and not in the least bit fetching! I chose to be the King of Spades; who among you can analyse that? You'll have heard me utter "why do I get caught up in such things? " before and here I've done it again. Then it was off to the dentist for a routine appointment before coming home to scream at the computer which is playing silly beggars and losing work. The poor electrician thought that I'd blown a fuse.
14°,  Cloudy,  feeling chilly, rain in the afternoon

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