Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Nature's Fury

9.1.18: Appreciating a Helping Hand
Back to Margaret's for her friend Paul (also a holiday home person) who was going to look at the verandah structure to see if it was safe enough. No real concerns.
Then there was a civil funeral in front of the Mairie and here's the view from there which is such a welcome change from all the debris.
From here some of us went for a coffee where there was an almighty din being made by the work on the new kitchen.
Of course the main topic of conversation was the aftermath of Sunday's events.
Apparently, the Maire and Nany are putting up a couple who've been made homeless, the Commune is having difficulty getting a declaration of a natural disaster which obviously implies financial aid from governement and winds of  200km/hr were recorded.
Coffee over, I went withe Ann and Terry to inspect an Irish couple's house where we found the fire service on the roof . Job done, I was able to hijack them and get them up to Margaret's. They were a lovely cheerful bunch who came from St Laurent de Cerdans right up the valley and were most helpful they were too.
13°, sunshine and a little cloud

8.1.18: Toing and Froing
Back to Margaret's to check if there was more damage but fortunately the rain had been less heavy and nothing had changed.
Had coffee at the bar with Lynn and Colin and then at the end of the afternoon, I finally managed to get Margaret who needless to say was in a bit of a state. Went to the Mairie declared the damage to her house and put her name on the list for the fire service to put a tarpaulin over the roof. Then there was a call from the Mairie about contacting another Brit about the damage to his house. Don wasn't answering his phone so took his friend Roger to the Mairie to make contact on his behalf.
It was lovely to come home, close the shutters and put my feet up.
12°, rain less heavy, cooler

7.1.18: Headline News
Woke up to hail battering against the window. The sky was bizarre; solid cloud and very, very low. imagine my surprise when Nicole arrived to ask me if I was ok. Why? says I. Apparently a mini tornado hit the village half an hour before and where she lives is like a bomb site. Windows out, trees, electricity poles, walls and chimneys down, debris everywhere. This link will take you to the local paper's website though I don't know how long it will be valid for but it does give a good idea of what it was like.  http://www.lindependant.fr/2018/01/07/mini-tornade-sur-maureillas-et-le-vallespir-ce-dimanche-vos-photos,3085939.php
Went to the bar and had the last coffee to be served as the electricity was off. Heard that Colin and Lynn's house was damaged so went to see if they needed any help but all was under control despite them missing 60 tiles and a satellite dish. Jean and Françoise phoned to say that they were at mine so back home I went and made coffee and served them large pieces of Xmas cake.
Tried to get to Margaret's house where I'd heard there was a tree down but the police wouldn't let me through as the fire service was working on the main road.
Not able to settle to anything, I decided to go and see how Nicole was and we decided to see if the bar could rustle up something to eat. Despite having a gas cooker, it wasn't  possible so off we went with Giles and Martine to the Café de France for a late lunch.
Back in the village, I was able to get to Margaret's and found that a chimney had come down damaging her verandah letting the rain in. Took photos for her insurance. Communication with Margaret was difficult as I was without internet and phone and she didn't pick up on mobile phone messages. Finally got hold of her daughter so was able to settle down for the evening without having to worry unduly.
13°, heavy rain, hail, mini tornado!!

6.1.18: 3 Valiant Efforts
Didn't go to the market and went instead to have coffee at the bar where I met Lynn and Colin. Made lunch for myself; I'm really getting the hang of this cooking lark.. Did some catching up on the blog and took myself to bed for midnight, the 3rd of my "must do better" resolutions.
16°, sun

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