Saturday 17 March 2018

Raining on Our Parade

18.3.18: Off the Hook Again
Only six of us around the table for coffee at the bar. Had a quick lunch at home before (reluctantly) setting off to get ready for the carnival. Not a soul in sight as the group organisers had decided to give it a miss. Shame no one thought to tell me! Another free afternoon. Yippee!
13°, sun, cloud later

17.3.18: Wearing the Green
Michel and Jacques both phoned offering me a lift to the market but Yasmin is back and had beaten them to it. Met up with Françoise for coffee and were later joined by one or two others from the village.
Had a quick lunch at home and headed off to see what was happening about the carnival. Weather threatening and the organisers decided to postpone until tomorrow. We stayed on for a cuppa before disbanding. Between you and me, I was glad to have a free afternoon and time to rest before the St Patrick's night in the bar.
There was a good mix of French, Brits and other nationalities not to mention a lot of green in evidence. Even if I do say so myself, my wig went down a treat!
15°, cloud, heavy rain later with the temperature dropping rapidly as the rain set in

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