Thursday 8 March 2018

Fun is Thin on the Ground

8.3.18: Fighting a Real Battle
Language exchange and a cuppa afterwards. Having got the hang of things, at last there's some daylight getting the photos in place.
Being International Women's Day, there was a special showing of "I still hide to smoke", a film made by a Franco-Algerian woman, who,  having been sprayed with petrol in Paris because of it, has to hide for real. It is excellent and the film maker hopes to put it onto You Tube to overcome censorship in certain countries, once Arte, the producer, has shown it on their tv networks. Look out for it and watch it!
15°, sun and cloud

7.3.18: Hellish Day
Another special memory of Christian; this time of the day we met. I do wish he were still here.
Finally managed to catch up with Nicole at the other bar as our usual was closed; there was so much to talk about that we followed our coffee with a glass of wine.
Battled with putting the wings  onto my carnival costume; oh, where was I when manual talent was handed out? Put my hopes on getting good advice at the afternoon's dress rehersal. Secretly hoped that someone would take pity on me and do it but all I got was buy some nappy pins and to secure them to the robe. Nearly burst a blood vessel when I had to pay 7€90 at the local chemist's for 7 of them!!
Came home and battled with putting two year's worth of photo albums on the web site via a new programme. Can't tell you how much I've been going around in circles. Feeling exhausted with it all and I'm not even sure how many people actually consult it.
Oh yes, and the tv box which brings in French freeview in not working and not being able to reset the date I decided that this was a battle that could wait.
15°, blue sky and cloud

6.3.18: Mme Grumpy
I'm feeling cross with the Association committee as it feels as if we're flying by the seat of our pants. There is not enough attention to detail and things are falling through the net. Hence, a couple of days ago, I realised that no publicity had been done for our Women's Day tearoom in the square next Sunday. There is more annoying me but I won't go into the boring details. Suffice it to say, I've got the bit between the teeth and hope to see some changes made. Of course, I'm just as cross with myself for not having thought about it either but we'll gloss over that.
This morning after having the poster I'd designed at the last minute approved by the President and getting it photocopied, I tripped around the village delivering them to anyone with a shop window or a captive clientele. Arrived chez Jany just befor midday and was invited in for an apéritif which I accepted and subsequently for lunch which I declined. Well, there is that couscous in the fridge waiting for me.
More work on the computer this afternoon and lacking in enthusiasm, I gave the guitar night in the bar a miss.
16°, blue sky, cloud, rain later

5.3.18: Plodding on
Started the day with a special thought for Christian and spent the rest of the time working on the web site.
14°, blue sky, cloud, rain later

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