Friday 9 March 2018

Life's a Bit More Lively

9.3.18: 2nd Quiz, 2 Win!
Had a long coffee with Lynn who with her French husband is new to the village and the association. Lots of things in common even husbands that worked for the same company though not in the same sector.
Got so involved in working on the computer that I arrived an hour late for a meeting about the forthcoming trip to Germany as guests of the mandolin orchestra that visited us last year.
Went straight from there to the quiz at the bar and was on the winning team. Roland was ace; he had every question on French Départments right. I did ok on the film round so wasn't there just for the ride and I also learnt a few things along the way. As I said before, thank goodness, the "trophy" stays put at the bar and you might be interested to know that there was another Yorkie on the team! Margaret and Ken take them everywhere.
14°, sun and cloud

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