Friday 16 March 2018

Certain Women, Uncertain Weather

16.3.18: Women who Lunch
Went again into Céret with Maggie this time to do battle with the tax people on a friend's behalf. We actually got it sorted! Stayed on in town for lunch at  "The France" during which time, the skies opened so yet again a sprint was in order.
At home I did more work on the computer, watched a whole lot more tv and started to cough.. 
15°, sun, cloud, heavy rain

15.3.18: Missing Something?
Language exchange, tea at the bar, computer at home, supermarket shopping with Maggie.
Tonight there was another film featuring women "Certain Women". Quite honestly, I couldn' find anything in it; it was so slow and I wasn't the only one with the same opinion! The Guardian however, went into raptures!
20 deg, sun, cloud, rain later

14.3.18: Home Alone
Stayed in all day working on Association admin.
15°, sun and cloud

13.3.18: Spring in the Air, A Spring in the Step
Lynn, Ann and I took the bus to Perpignan to go in search of a present for Roger's 80th birthday present. The day followed it's usual pattern; a lengthy coffee at the Café de Catalogne, (the owner's Mum, lives in the village), a bit of a stroll along the canal where the daffs were in bloom, then lunch, this time at the VIP where we ate well.
There was plenty of time for a bit of shopping (a top for St Pat's night for me, a scarf for Lynn for the same reason and chocolate for Ann, well for Terry actually). A cuppa before catching the bus and then a quick sprint back to the bus. I continued on to Céret to see Françoise about the article she was writing about Women's Day in the village.
Did an even quicker sprint from hers to the bus stop only to find that once again I'd misread the timetable and had a 40 minute wait. Fortunately, I had enough time to make some soup for supper with JJ.
19°, sun, cloud later

12.3.18: Hail Friends, Well Met
Meeting with Marguerite to put away the equipment from yesterday; meeting with Nick about the web site; meeting with Mimoun who's coming to do some pretty hard pruning chez moi; meeting with Chantal to explain the workings of the association.
Did some work on the web site before heading off to the bar for a blues/folk night with Kevin and Franc strumming their stuff.
On a domestic note, I plucked up courage to do a factory reset on the tv box and wouldn't you know it, it was working again! Who knows why things happen.
18°, overnight rain, sun, thunderstorm in the afternoon.

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