Sunday 25 March 2018

Wet Weekend

25.3.18: Happy Adults
Rain has stopped so no need of the umbrella for my trip to the bar for coffee and apéritif. Turned down the offer to stay on and eat with Françoise and Philippe as there was an invitation to have dinner at Jean and Françoise's in the evening.
A bit of work on the computer this afternoon the it was off to eat "lentils saucisses" (Christian's favourite) along with Thérèse and Joan. Lively conversation and an update on the conference on climate that Jean is helping to organise in Collioure. Going to be quite an important event.
14°, sunshine, cloud and showers

24.3.18: My Happy Inner Child
Carnaval in the village was cancelled because of the weather. Braved the rain to go and have coffee with Nicole and stayed in looking at the small screen all day as the rain didn't let up. Watched "Paddington" and "What we did on our Holidays" with Billy Connolly. Easy going and something to chuckle at.
9°, heavy rain all day

23.3.18: No need for the TV
Helped Maggie unload and tidy up after last night during which time, Yasmin phoned suggesting that we meet up. She's going back to UK a week earlier than expected so she wanted to spend some time with the sister she never had!
Had a coffee to start and with still plenty to talk about, we decided to go to "Molas" for lunch. Limited ourselves to the hors d'œvres buffet and dessert. Hope you're impressed.
Met with Nick at the end of the afternoon to talk about the new Association website.
In the evening off I went around to JJ's for dinner with two other widows (there are a lot of us about) and another woman who might as well be one as she does very little with "him indoors". JJ did himself proud with pork fillet wrapped in pastry!
19°, sun, cloud in the evening

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