Thursday 30 July 2009

Mr Forgetful

Instead of being on the train back to Amiens, Alain was here with us enjoying an apéritif in his honour. Luckily for him, the guard was able to find berth for him on what was the busiest travel day in France and when you consider he'd managed to buy his return ticket for 10€ he really does have someone looking out for him.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Get Well, Mr President

Our esteemed leader is now out of hospital after a 'turn' whilst out jogging. He has to take it easy which for someone as hyperactive as he is will be difficult almost impossible..... and talk about double standards ....
when Raschida Datti, the then Justice minister, went back to work one week after having her baby there was an almighty outcry. A fat lot of good it did her as she was still pushed out of the government. Nicolas, on the other hand, was back at work the next day. Possible heart problems are apparently more normal and less serious than having a baby.

Monday 27 July 2009

Four Days of Fun

Just when we thought our stomachs could take a break, Di invited us around for an apéritif (or several). Of course, Bruce was there as was Maggie and Ellie. Drank lots of cava, more than was good for me but tomorrow is another day .....


Today is the 3rd and last day of the Festa Major and Catalan traditions took centre stage. Sardane in the morning (the wise ones sought out the shade) and early evening and a concert given by Albert Bueno, Catalan singer/song writer) around 9pm. Despite our good intentions to give the meal of squid rings and chips a miss, we were inveigled into joining a table of Christian's colleagues. He never could rsist a plate of chips! The evening finished with more dancing, tired feet and eyes.

The market was just heaving with people and we didn't have the energy to enter the fray, settling instead for a coffee at our usual haunt; At lunch time we beat a path once more to Joséphine's to help eat up the left-overs from last night. Juste once again cooked the barbeque, there were more cocktails but no music. and that's not all, folks ...... in the evening we joined the Association (27 of us all together) for a meal of pork and peppers at the village "Festa Major". Lasted until about midnight then we went up to the bar to catch up with Izzy, Irene and Kelvin.
The time finally arrived to see if all the preparation for the inauguration of the new mairie had paid off. The Secreatary of State didn't make it after all but the MP did along with a whole clutch of local mayors. The sun split the sky as we listened to the speeches then the sardane was danced before a very nice apéritif. Christian joined those and such as those for lunch while I went home for a sandwich. In the evening we took ourselves off to Joséphine's where we celebrated Joëlle's birthday. Maurice and Rosie provided some music while we sipped a cava cocktail and Juste cooked the barbeque.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Great Outdoors

Heather and Andrew stopped over last night on their way to a holiday rental not far from Carcassonne but they didn't arrive until 12.45am. Was a shame as there wasn't really any time to catch up with 10 year's worth of news. This morning was all a bit of a rush as we were due to leave with Michelle, Jean-Jacques, Alain, Joëlle et Michel for a picnic at 10.30am so once again, no time to chat. Maybe they'll come back before the next 10 years are up.
The barbeque didn't take too long to cook so no sooner did we arrive than we could break out the apéritifs. After lunch I went for a walk with my caveman friends while the others slept or tanned. The scenery in the Haut Vallespir was superb and after the really hot weather we've been having caused by the wind blowing from North Africa a drop of a few degrees was welcome.
In the evening we again ate al fresco but this time on Lone and Jesper's terrace. Richard and Linde came too. Inevitably we talked politics but we also had some fun trying to think of what we knew about Austria and Denmark; one thing I didn't know was that the population of Denmark is only about 5m and to think they invaded Britain all those centuries ago.

Monday 20 July 2009

One Small Step, One Big Lie?

Of course, I couldn't let today go by without a mention of the moon landing 40 years ago. Now we know who the 3rd and apparently the only well adjusted astronaut is Michel Collins and you all thought that he was an Irish Republican.Did it really happen or was it created in a studio. There were reports on French news that in fact the film footage was erased so that the cassettes could be reused. Early recycling or cover up?
Where were you when history was being "made"? I was in Leicester at Arthur and Maureen's where I had a holiday job. They were away on holiday I and Joanne, Rob and various other friends stayed up to watch. It was all very much of a youth hostel. Christian, too, stayed up to watch but he was in France, married with 3 children.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Birthdays Galore

Joyeux anniversaire" to Ann in Scotland, Michelle in the village and Nelson in South Africa! Michelle served an apéritif dinatoire with a lot of style which went on until about 11pm. then we went along to the square to catch the tail- end of a fiesta. By this time the music was jazz/rock and people were enjoying themselves in the warmth of the evening. Andy (a young British man who when recently interviewed by the local paper said that there wasn't much going on in the village) came back to ours for a last drink or two. Into bed for 3am, asleep by five past!

Saturday 18 July 2009

Sardanes and Sardines

The market was very busy this morning as a huge sardane competition was on all weekend with groups from all over Catalunya north and south taking part. Spent most of the afternoon making chutney and stewing plums for the freezer. Well, what else can you do when you're given about 15kg of fruit? During this time Christian was following every shot of the British open from Turnberry. What a feast for the eyes we've had of late what with views of the Ailsa Craig this week, the Scottish Open from Loch Lomand last weekand the Tour de France which seems to go on for ever. In the evening there were grilled sardines on offer before the disco but we gave both a miss opting to stay home and watch the telly. Tomorrow evening promises to be more lively so it doesn't hurt to take it easy now and again.

Friday 17 July 2009

Birthday Girl

Like last year we took Jean-Jacques and Michelle out for lunch for Michelle's birthday. Several of you have been with us to the same place; can anyone guess where? As usual we had a good meal made even more enjoyable knowing that the Mairie couldn't find either Christian or Jean-Jacques. That's not to say that we didn't have to gat back for 5pm as the two of them had a quick meeting there. Still, I was able to catch up with the first episode of Jimmy McGovern's "The Street" which I found absolutely gripping. Does anyone agree? Then the 4 of us + Françoise went around to Linde's for a supper of wild mushrooms that she'd collected the day before. Richard produced his famous whisky sour so we ate and drank well while listening to the Tromantana howling through the bunting in the street outside.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Back in Action!

Both myself and the washing machine have sprung into action this week. Having finally emptied the waskets of ironing, I could at last get some washing done as there was somewhere to put it. Result ...... the baskets are full again!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Fête Nationale

We were on parade early this morning, arriving in our sister village in convoy. The jeep that we were in ran out of "chug" half way up the windy road so we had to transfer to another vehicle. Coming down was a whole lot easier though. The morning ceremonies took their usual form with another wreath laying in the village, speeches, presentation of medals and an apéritif. Lunch was a bbq at the bivouac. In the evening we were invited to another bbq at Hazel and Ade's then it was down to the recreation ground for a superb firework display and disco. The disco was cut short as there was a violent thunderstorm so the Mairie didn't really have to lay out on the fireworks, did they?

Monday 13 July 2009

Life's a Cabaret!

"Start by admitting from cradle to tomb,
It isn't that long a stay.
Life is a Cabaret, old chum,
Only a Cabaret old chum,
So come to the Cabaret!"
(Words, John Kander & Fred Ebbfrom Broadway show "Cabaret")
This evening we and about 20 others were invited to a cabaret "al fresco". The star turn used to be a professional dancer and this was by way of an adieu to his friends in the village. Lots of fun, ice cream at the interval and sangria and cake at the end.

Sunday 12 July 2009

On the Terrace

For the first time this year we cleaned off the terrace furniture ready for guests this evening? Is there a more tedious job than trying to get the marks off white plastic furniture.? The table legs are not very stabble and some of the chair backs have become brittle with the sun and have started to crack so perhaps we should invest in a replacement set in a more practical colour.
There were 12 of us altogether (Kelvin, Irene, Margaret, Joëlle and Michel with their two overnight guests, Daniel, Lone and Jasper). Joëlle brought extra food so the table was groaning. Finally called it a day at 1am having received three return invitations !

Saturday 11 July 2009


The market was busier than usual due to the local fiesta and this was just one of the bands playing in the street. Surprisingly we were able to find a table at our usual haunt where we were joined by Jean-Marie and Janine for a couple of glasses. With the ambiance beginning to heat up we came back to the local auberge for lunch and more wine. Result - I had to go for a wee sleep from which I didn't wake up until 6.45pm. The rest of the evening was spent in front of the telly wondering why I'd been so tired.

Friday 10 July 2009


A day away from the baskets of ironing that are sitting reproachfully upstairs and from the Mairie where there is always something to do. Margaret is here for a few days so there was no better reason to head off to Mas Salelles for lunch. The first two courses were good but Christian felt the the dessert was a bit "cantina" - icecream or Crème Catalane. Came back via the mountains where we took this photo from the viewpoint and stopped off at the auberge for a cup of tea.

Thursday 9 July 2009

All to Play For

The weather is overcast but no matter. There were only 11 of us for the language exchange but it went well and was lots of fun. Jean Louis was well oiled yesterday so there was no surprise that the bar wasn't open when we went up for our glass of wine and tapas but no matter.... it's we who lay on the food anyway so I just went home and fetched the box of white and rosé and hey ho a cheap alternative! Necessity is the mother and all that.
This afternoon Martine, Martine and I went down to the local casino to solicite a prize for the photo competition we plan to run for International Women's Day next year. The chef is what is called a "Toque Blanche" and without any hesitation he was ready to donate a meal for two and his recently published cookery book. He might even do a cookery workshop for us later in the year. A "toque blanche" is the hat worn by chefs dating from 16th century (or according to some a lot earlier) and is said to have 100 pleats to signify the number of ways that any chef worth his/her salt could cook an egg. In France nowadays it is awarded for culinary excellence. All in all we were well pleased with ourselves and there's another restaurant to try out.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Pedal Power

The "Tour de France" came to Perpignan and Christian went off to see it with Jesper, a Danish friend who provides outside broadcast facilities to tv companies. Off already to a meeting, our intrepid sports- lover will write a few words about it when he has a moment so watch this space ..........
In the meantime, I went to the new exhibition in the village with Margaret. Interesting, cork on glass and reconisably Scandinavian without knowing that the artist is Swedish but too expensive for your Mr et Madame Machin's pocket.
Change of gear in the evening for a meeting with a couple wanting to set up a refuge for women in "difficult" situations. There was heavy Catholic church presence and it was all about 40 years behind the times. The things that femminists fought for and achieved are very much taken for granted these days elsewhere though a lot of it seems to have passed France by. I don't think that it's just the case in this corner, by the way. Christian didn't have to worry, I'm not going to get involved.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Lenny the Legend

A lovely surprise in the post ... the dvd of Lenny's last concert in London. Christian and I had missed this bit of the tribute to him that had been recently shown on TV. Eddie too is a fan and while he was here we went on about him and sang along to his songs. Suzanne, even though Lenny wrote a song to her namesake was not inspired .... so, it will have been Eddie that put in the order to Amazon. We haven't had chance yet to see it all but so far it's just great. Nearly 75 and his voice hasn't changed and his lyrics belie his sense of humour. Now we have the dvd we don't have to regret not getting to his concert on the Costa Brava in August. Over £100/ticket is a bit much for two pensioners like ourselves! The man is a real poet...... "Everybody knows".

This evening we were invited to Jean and Françoise's for an apéritif dinatoire in the garden. It was a right international affair with French, British, Colombian, Austrian and American friends.

Monday 6 July 2009

Good Deeds

Woke at 5.45am and instead of going back to bed we decided to head home while there wasn't any traffic on the road. Made it back for the Association committee meeting and of course a glass of wine at the bar before going home. In the evening it was Christian's regular surgery and I took the opportunity to go and meet one of our Association members who had been in a car accident recently. Typically Brit, I arrived at 5.45pm and was offered a glass of wine or a G & T rather than a cup of tea. Couldn't refuse now, could I? As Annette had some insurance forms to fill in, Christian came up to give a hand and also agreed to speak to the local garage about finding another car for her. By the time we arrived back to the annexe of the Mairie, Michel had shut up shop and was waiting at the auberge with Joëlle. True to form I had the duck breast again and true to form, Christian couldn't resist the charcuterie. Phew! Our 6th restaurant meal in as many days ....

Sunday 5 July 2009

Mountain Hideaway

4.7.09 Along with Jean-Jacques, Michelle and their grandchildren we finally got around to accepting Monique and Alain's invitation to join them at their holiday flat in the Pyrenees about 500m from Llivia, a small Spanish enclave surrounded by France. The long and winding road took over two hours so when we arrived it was time to go for lunch which had been booked at a local equestrian centre. The usual traditional fare and a deluge were on the menu. The mountain air or was it the wine made us all sleepy nothing else would do but a siesta. Woke up for apéritifs and then dinner in Llivia in a restaurant serving more imaginative food and water served in rather elegant bottles which we cheekily asked if we could take away with us. Oh, we have so little shame and they will look good on the table at home! A little after dinner stroll and then home to bed.
5.7.09 Jean-Jacques et al made a very late appearance the next morning so we went for paper and a coffee in the village. Then it was off to Puigcerdera to the market. A really nice little town with some very grand houses, smart looking hotels and of course, beautiful views. In the town there were women doing intricate lacework which is always facinating to watch. Sadly there were hardly any young people so I suppose sooner or later the craft will die out. The weather was hot and a storm not far away but it remained dry for lunch on the Plaça Major. Home for another siesta and dinner and an an old film back at the flat.

Friday 3 July 2009

The Three Wise Men

This evening we went with Alain and Monique to represent the village at the inauguration of a new footgolf course in Maçanet de Cabrenys. What on earth is footgolf you may ask. Well, it's just as it says. The aim is to go around the course trying to get a football into a hole or basket. There are lots of advantages - no expensive greens to water and level, no fancy equipment and it appeals to young people. Here you can see the Mayor explaining the finer points to our two politicians. It seemed as if the whole village was there to enjoy the evening sun, the live music, the canapés and apéritifs. As I've said elsewhere the Catalans from the south really do things with style. Had a walk around the village as neither Monique nor Alain had been there before and found the young people busy putting card board over any street level windows in preparation for a fiesta which was due to start at 11.30pm. As it included the letting off of firecrackers they were taking no chances. We rounded off the evening with a meal at one of the local restaurants which I should say we paid for ourselves - no abuse of expenses here!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

New Recruits

The Association has ben taking up all of my free time so far this week as indeed the Mairie has for Christian. Wednesday came as a welcome day off as we met up with Anne and Henri for lunch. Good food at an even better price as today some restaurants have reduced the vat to 5.9% from something like 19.7%. Even here we talked about the Association with the result there are two new members. We hadn't quite finished our meal when the rain came down but thanks to the canopy we weren't forced to feel for cover.