Sunday 30 August 2009

Blame it on the Bossa Nova

An apéritif at the bar along with Michel, Joëlle, Daniel and Geneviève to the rythms of jazz/bossa nova. After that it was back to theirs for coffee and and a strange Belgian comic film, the title of which I've forgotten. Little did we realise at the time but a storm was brewing that would upset our cosy world.

Saturday 29 August 2009

Reserve Side

Was having a drink in our local bar after the market when Nancy came by with Ian and Anne who she was taking to see the work being done on her house. We were invited along too for a look around and an apéritif. As she'd prepared lunch for another friend who finally didn't come we were invited to eat help eat it up!

Friday 28 August 2009

Return Match

Tomorrow we can ease up a bit as there's still nothing planned but before that there's a dinner to prepare and host in return for the hospitality that we received earlier this year. Francis and Simone (who's allergic to vinegar) and Bernard and Françoise (Belgians) arrived with flowers, whisky, wine, a tart and little lavander bags; all a bit overwhelming really. Hopefully it wasn't because they were worried that there wouldn't be enough to eat and drink! Rabbit was on the menu and it seemed to go down well. We had a really good evening together up on the terrace and the table legs are still managing to do their job. We really must invest in a new one .....

Thursday 27 August 2009

A Late Dinner

After talking about it for ages we finally made it to the restaurant with Flo and Philippe to celebrate the end of the village forum's second year. It was in a lovely old building serving grills including a "cargolade" or grilled snails to you and me. As Flo works and then had to settle the kids down, we didn't leave here until nearly 9pm - almost bedtime for us! Godd job were made of stern stuff!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

No, No and No

In UK hospitals there are signs which say "no parking", " no mobile phones", "no more than 3 visitors at a time" but I saw on a report from Kandahar this morning the signs there say "no weapons". My first reaction was the same as when I first went to Birmingham and saw signs on the buses saying "no spitting" but on second thoughts maybe hospitals in the West could do with giving the same meassge. Certainly sounds as if London football clubs need to do so if last night's Millwall v West Ham "match" is anything to go by.
This evening was busy with an invitation to an apéritif organised in one of the neighbouring streets and then to Jacques and Yaneth's for a meal with them, Carles, Felicia and their children. A meal out tomorrow night, friends at ours on Friday; roll on the weekend when there is nothing arranged! still it's all good fun if you don't weaken.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Waiting for Rain

Thunderstorms have been forecast for today and even though the clouds hang heavy there's no sign of the wet stuff. Also waiting this weekend was a young British tourist who went into a "Hôtel de Ville" thinking that she'd find a bed for the night. First things first, she popped ito the loo and when she came out she found the place locked up. She spent the night rather more uncomfortably than she'd anticipated and was only released when the local pharmacist saw her note (half in English, half in French), stuck on the door. For those of you who don't know, the "Hôtel de Ville" is the town hall. I bet she's not the first person to have made this mistake!

17h.10: It's ben a long time coming and it's not very heavy as yet but at last we have some rain!
17h.18: On no! It's stopped!

Sunday 23 August 2009

Noisier than the Church Bells

Very hot again and before lunch we stopped by at the recreation ground to watch model areoplane enthusiasts doing what model aeroplane enthusiasts do and to watch a helicopter take to the skies with people ready to pay 35€ for a 7 minute flight. Christian said he'd done enough of that kind of thing when he was off-shore. I almost joined the Mayor and his wife but as the helicopter had just been fuelled the pilot only wanted to take two people ... no comments, please! Needless to say the organisers invited us for an apéritif and then we stayed for lunch with some other Mairie people. Another day with no cooking and another report to do for the village website.

Saturday 22 August 2009

No Fasting Here

Ramadan started today and you can only have sympathy for those who have to work a long day in the heat that we're experiencing at the moment. At times like this it's better to be where the weather is cool and the days are short. We met Jean at the bar and learnt that Linde and Françoise were off up in the mountains collecting cow pats! Linde has been disappointed with the results (or lack of them) that the horse manure has produced and is convinced that the garden will do better from cows. After the market it was a trip to the local auberge for lunch which wasn't all together wise as we were invited out to a curry evening. Great food and drink, musical entertainment from the "Sisters" followed by more serious singing from the chorale in which Jo sings. Oh there's nothing like a good curry with all the bits and pieces that go with it. Surprisingly the French, who normally shy away from spicy food tucked in with gusto but we are in France and there was a cheese board for the diehards. There were about 120 of us and we could only marvel at the organisation of it all.

Friday 21 August 2009

Gate Crasher

The weather reports talk of a drop in temperature but here thermometers are registering over 34°. Still there's more to life than the weather... the news is full of the Athletics in Berlin and the "is she or isn't she a man" saga. The whole circus must be just too awful for an 18 year old to bear. The controversy isn't just about her physique but that apparently this young South African woman has appeared on the scene from nowhere. No track record so to speak. Just as intriguing is the report that the guy who swam to Aung San Suu Kyi's home has had his sentence squashed and has returned to the States. While I'm pleased for him that he's not doing his sentence, it adds to the scepticism about the whole affair. Much more amusing is the latest global internet phenomenon - Crasher the Squirrel who keeps popping up on peoples' holiday snaps. Looking at some of the sites on the net we're obviously a week behind everyone else here but the photo I saw of him perched on the Queen's head is kinda cute. Haven't been able to work out how to do it though so you'll have to make do with the wee fella on his own.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Until Next Year

All good things as they say .... time to pack up the toothbrushes, set the "sat nav" and head for home. A very pleasant interlude among all the routine. The trip home for us was fine, hot of course but we managed to find a nice restaurant for lunch in between Castelnaudary and Carcassonne. Next year the Pays Basque if Jean and Jean can put up with us.
After a wee rest and a pot of tea we called around at Maggie's where an "afternoon tea" as part of the Association's "chez nous" was in progress. Around 25 people (French, Catalan, American, Dutch, British) were there and apparently it had all been a great success. Next up it's a Sicilian lunch followed by our Pub night. Still, don't let's get ahead of ourselves, there's lots going on before then.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Happy Tourists

A leisurely breakfast on the terrace and then off we set to have a look around. Fortunately none of us needs to rush off and see everything in the guide book and thank goodness for the air conditioning in the car. First port of call was St Céré where the market was on and aftrer a stroll around we sought shade and a coffee then it was onto Autoire classified as one of the prettiest villages in France (there are hundreds of them before you get too excited) but it certainly merited it's title. Lunched on crêpes on a shady terrace. Flagging a bit in the afternoon we decided to make a small detour to look at the Château de Castelnou de Bretoneux before going back to the hotel for a siesta. This was the hardest and hottest bit of the day, 38° and an uphill walk and some of us fell by the wayside prefering to stop off at the café! No names, no pack drill ..
Abandoned the idea of going out visiting after our snooze in favour of just going up to the local cave to buy some of the wine we found so pleasant in the restaurant. Hope there won't be shades of retsina! Who remembers drinking it and enjoying it in Greece only to find at home it had lost all its "charm" if that is the right word, back home??

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Another Break

To think that Jean and John live only half an hour away from Mum's and we drive for nearly 5 hours to meet up with them in France! Still for all of us it's a welcome break from diy (John not Christian) and all those everyday things that make up life. The drive up was without any problem apart from finding a decent lunch. We ended up in a Chinese restaurant in Villefranche Laurgais which despite the sunshine had seen far better days. This year we booked a hotel in the Lot which is such a pretty area. Medieval villages, rolling countryside with lots of trees and houses with balconies, steep sloping rooves and lots of flowers. We did toy with the idea of buying something here but gave up the idea due to it's distance from major transport and colder winters. The hotel overlooks the river Céré which flows into the Dordogne and has a good restaurant where the same family have produced three generations of chefs. Weather is incredibly hot and tomorrow promises to be even hotter.

Monday 17 August 2009

A Day Off

A welcome respite from major eating! Just went for a rosé at the bar after my committee meeting.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Another Little Lion

Today is Daniel's birthday and we were invited to his place down by the river to celebrate. Lots more cava and good things to eat. Jean sang and we would have joined in had we known the words (something else for the "must do"" list) but mosltly we chatted the night away. This photo shows three blokes doing what they do best. Jean playing, Michel thinking and Christian ...

Saturday 15 August 2009


Today's a public holiday though unlike in UK there's no compensatory day for it being a Saturday. We wound our way up into the mountains for the Festa Major, all the time sympathising with the 100 or so people who made the 4 hour walk up answering questions on the way in the blistering heat. As we arrived fairly early we were able to bag seats in the shadiest part of the field where we were to eat paella. 200 portions were made and eaten! Came home in the afternoon and had neither the energy nor the inclination to do anything else but watch tv.

Friday 14 August 2009

A Full Day

Took the scenic route back home through the Gorges de Galamus. Oh so narrow! After 1pm lights are in operation though I can't think why not in the morning as well. Breathtaking scenery with a hermitage built into the rocks. Don(t think that we'll make thie our regular route but it was well worth the anxiety! Stopped off for lunch as we'd been talking of doing for a while now at "La Maison du Terroir" and the Pascal Borrell's restaurant. It's obviously one to watch out for. Fine food in style. Time for a short rest at home before going to a vernissage and then onto Thérèse's for a superb apéritif dinatoire and there's more tomorrow!

Thursday 13 August 2009

Living Dangerously

Took a trip into Limoux, sticking to tea in a bistro in the square. Another sleep this afternoon while the younger ones went off canoeing. Christophe came back with scrapped elbows having overturned and then wee Jean hit his chin on the steps of the swimming pool and had to go to Carcassonne to casualty where they glued the edges of the gash together. Meanwhile Christian and I contented our selves with a walk around the village. We didn't manage to eat until nearly 10pm but we did break open the bottle of blue label Johnny Walker as a nightcap and it was much appreciated. If I've learnt anything from today, it's that excercice isn't always that good for your health!

Wednesday 12 August 2009


Into the car and off to Toureilles in the Aude to meet up with Christophe et al chez Marie and Pierre. Unbearably hot. The view from the house is lovely and we were spoilt to find ourselves in one of those electric beds that can be adjusted at the top, bottom and in the middle. people swear by them but they do seem a bit a bit of a gadget. Not sure if it was the heat, too much "Blanquette de Limoux" (the local sparkling wine) or a combination of both but I spent the afternoon either feeling ill or sleeping. Stuck to water after that.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Purely Political Sentence

That's what Gordon Brown said of the 18 month sentence passed down on Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma/Myanmar today. Her house arrest ended on 27th May and here she is again in the same situation. She's already spent 14 of the last 20 years deprived of her liberty. Could have been worse I suppose, they overrode the 3 years hard labour given by the court!The widespread belief is that the Junta needed her out of the way for the 2010 "free and fair" elections. The question is also being asked about the American man who swam over to her house where he was received thus causing her to break the law. As he's done hard labour there himself, would he put her at such risk intentionally? Apparently our President has called for new sanctions ... do you think that will include Total? I've just read the Communiqué from the 'Elysée " ... je demande à l'Union européenne de réagir rapidement par l'adoption de nouvelles sanctions dirigées contre le régime birman, qui doivent viser tout particulièrement les ressources dont il profite directement dans le domaine de l'exploitation du bois et des rubis" and lo and behold he is refering to "wood and rubies".

Sunday 9 August 2009

Split Shift

The weather forecast was for thunderstorms but our early start for the village that is our transborder "twin" was under bright sunshine. This charming village with it's 13th century church, pretty Plaça Major, stone houses and couple of small cafés played host to its first market where craft items and local produce were on sale. Our village was well represented both behind and in front of the stalls as well as providing some musical entertainment. The local mairie laid on tapas which were a meal in themselves in the bar so by the time it came to go for our lunch no one had the space for an entrée. Sangria and olives were offered by the restaurant as was a Crema Catalana liquer at the end. In between, the 23 of us laughed, talked and danced as the skies opened and the rain came down in torrents.
Back home over the mountains and there was just time for a cuppa for me and 40 winks for Christian before we made our way over to Juste and Joséphine's for a musical soirée in honour of her wee brother, Nico who was visiting. Jean played Catalan music, Nico played Brassens, Michel played Blues and Marie gave a salsa and belly dancing display. There were around 30 of us all together and we kept going until around 1.30am. Joséphine's cocktail was on the menu again and my resolve not to drink went straight out of the window! Ah well, tomorrow is another day and we've nothing planned until Wednesday.

Saturday 8 August 2009

And then there were two

Our little family from Normandy made an early start for the North in the hope of avoiding the traffic on what has been classified a "red" day. We went to the market as usual but only had the heart to go as far as the cheese stall so at least there's bread and St Nectaire on the menu this evening. The weather threatens so I'm not sure if we'll make it down to this evening's disco but as Jean and Françoise's son is DJ-ing we might make an effort.

Friday 7 August 2009

Last Day

Valérie, Guillaume and the kids' last day and the weather was dull with the occasional light shower. Cooler weather and there was no excuse not to attack the ironing. Listening to "War of the World's" in the morning and Lenny in the afternoon (yes, there was that much) blasting out made it much more enjoyable. By way of compensation there was a "Cosmopolitan" (or two) for an apéro and Papa broke out a bottle of good Bordeaux for our last supper together for the time being.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Family Outing

Combined a trip over the border for us all to stock up with lunch overlooking the lake at Darnius. It was great for the kids with space to run around and chips with most things on the menu; It felt incredibly hot at 34°. So as to avoid all the traffic (there were 6 km of jams at the frontier yesterday) we took the mountain road stopping off at the auberge for a coffee en route.

Never Forget!

64 years ago today, the "H" bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. An estimated 140,000 dead not to mention the injured, those who died of cancer and all those who were born afterwards with congenital defects. I remember marching in Scotland on several of the anniversaries and people still do in protest against Faslane. We never learn .. nuclear arms proliferate but it seems that a few countries who belong to the "Inner Circle" keep their weapons for the sake of peace and feel they are the arbiters of who can join such an exclusive club. Of course, there are a few countries who don't agree so where do we go from here??

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Al Fresco Dining

Linde organised us all to go over to the lake for a bbq. Richard did "Devil's Eggs" but no whisky sour this time. There was the usual bbq fare, plenty of rosé and a couple of bottles of cava to keep our thirsts at bay. As you can see, Christian isn't one of those "great outdoors" men who just love to get back to their caveman ancestry!

Tuesday 4 August 2009

It's not over yet

Lovely presents arrived in the post from Ann and Noel and The Kanes of Glasgow. As Valérie did lunch I was able to go to the bar for a coffee and it was there that Joëlle and Daniel found me. In the evening I met up with Françoise, Linde and Thérèse for more presents and tapas at the local auberge. Thanks everyone for
making this milestone so enjoyable.

Monday 3 August 2009

As you slide down the Bannister of Life ...

.... let's hope that the splinters are pointing the other way was the message on the card from Linde. The day started early with a call from Mum who reminded me that I wouldn't be 60 until 12.30pm. I also found out that it was lovely sunny day which was a really pleasing thought. Well, it makes up for the Wednesday's child saying! There were cards, flowers and presents, an Association meeting followed by a glass of wine at the bar, Christian at the Mairie and his surgery in the evening up in the mountains. By chance the Mayor, his wife and two others arrived so they joined us at Robert and Francine's where we'd been invited for an apéritif before eating at the Auberge. To my surprise Christian had organised a cake and champagne and I even had enough puff to blow out the 6 candles! It was a day with no razamataz or fuss but a good day none the less. Now we just need to organise a larger "do" in September when there is less going on.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Qu'est-ce qu'on mange???

Children in the house and after a trip to the lake the first question is ..... what's for dinner? A rota was established for the ringing of the "come-and-get-it " bell and today it was Hugo's turn. Bon Appétit!


Isn't she lovely? Jean-Louis looking coquettish in his Sunday best with a couple of days growth and a couple of days of making merry behind him.!

Saturday 1 August 2009

La Bonne Franquette

The usual trip to the market wasn't quite such a hassle this week. The July holiday makers have left and the August ones have not yet arrived. On the roads though there are enormous tail backs as people arrive seeking the sun. Met Joséphine there and took our midday apéritif together after which she invited us to her place to take pot luck. As we lingered over her famous cocktail .. must get the recipe for you .. she suggested that we contact Valérie, Guillaume and get them to come straight to hers so that they could cool off in the pool after their journey from Luchon. No sooner said than....