Sunday 28 February 2010

Feeling Energised

It's amazing how some warmer weather makes you feel less jaded. Today, not having had time out of the village together last week, we decided that lunch and a stroll by the sea would be just thing. First of all we had a coffee in the bar where we learnt that the hairdresser's had been broken into last night and the church warden fell at my feet after kissing me!
Went down to Argelès and had lunch in the town in a small restaurant serving good food that was well presented. The owners, two brothers, have both worked in top restaurants in the area and it showed. It was reasonably priced too so that's a winning combination as far as I'm concerned! Doesn't Christian's starter look nice? I had fish soup because I just love the ritual of putting the rouille and grated cheese on the toast. After a good lunch we were virtuous and went off for a stroll along the prom before having a cuppa overloking the marina where at 17° it was warm enough to sit out and feel that all's well in our world. Stopped off at our local chapel on the way home where there are fine examples of 11th century frescoes, not to look at them, no, it was the new dustbin shelter that Christian wanted to inspect! What ever rings your bell, I say ...

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