Monday 15 February 2010

Well Wrapped Up

As we had the whole day to pass and we don't ski, we went into St Flour which has a pretty old town, full of character on top of a hill. Narrow streets full of interesting shops .... only problem is that all of them are closed on Mondays. Wandered aimlessly in the cold, wrote a couple of postcards over a hot chocolate and had lunch in the Hotel d'Europe which is one of those old- fashioned places who's hey-day has passed. The local cheeses such as Cantal and Bleu d'Auvergne figured heavily on the menu which we ate next to a large picture window overlooking the snow- clad fields. Back to the B&B for a siesta before heading up to the ski station to have dinner with Christophe, Valérie and the kids which afterall was the object of the trip. People were still around the dinner table when we arrived back so we were invited to join them for coffee and homemade liqueurs and to be polite we were unable to refuse.

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