Tuesday 2 February 2010

Take to the Hills

It snowed in the night and it's bitterly cold but hey, when in Scotland, do as the Scots do ... wrap up warm, grit your teeth and head out into the great outdoors. Well, Suzanne and I did. Christian and Eddie settled for the golf range. despite my moaning the countrysie, what we could see of it through the fog, was lovely and there was a nice lunch at the club house waiting for us at the end of our walk to Loch Humphrey in the Old Kilpatrick Hills.
In the afternoon Suzanne and I went to the garden centre to buy, what else but snowdrops. Eddie and Christian decided to pass ... they obviously didn't realise that there was hot chocolate and gooey cakes to be had. Still, hell mend us, we both wished we hadn't indulged once our plates were empty but by then it was too late. Fortunately, I had the chance to walk it off as I went along to see Marlene (my boss from Social Work days) and this time was able to say "no" to the goodies. Just as well as in the evening we were booked at Chillis on Woodlands Road for a curry. Not to worry, said Eddie "they're just tapas sized portions" and so they were but we had loads of them, all delicious! Well, no trip to Glasgow would be complete with out a curry and we can worry about the excess at home.

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