Monday 1 February 2010

Republicans, Reformists and Brewers

Took the train into Glasgow and walked down to the Clyde to see the sculpture to La Pasionaria, one of the prime movers in the Spanish Civil War. Much to Christian's chagrin we then continued walking over to Glasgow Green and the People's Palace, a wonderful museum of Glasgow's social history. First on the agenda was a coffee in the Winter Gardens followed by Billy Conolly's banana boots, a single end (a small flat in Glasgow parlance) with a range which Suzanne wanted for the house, two suspicious looking characters on seaside donkeys, an even more suspicious character in a prison cell,and lots more besides. Outside we could only gaze in wonder at the tallest terracotta fountain in the world. I'm just sorry that I can't put more photos on the blog to show you what a great visit it was. We then wandered over to the old Templeton's Carpet factory which looks as if it's a Venetian palace but which is now a brewery (members of the Temperance Movement honoured with statues on the Green must be turning in their graves!) and German bar and restaurant. Apparently Eddie's neice's wedding reception plans are up in the air as the Pope has just announced a surprise visit to Glasgow and he'll be preaching to the faithful on Glasgow Green thus making it nigh impossible to get to the restaurant. One more reason why this Pope doesn't head the popularity contest.

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