Tuesday 16 February 2010

Return Journey

It was -10° when we left the Auvergne with blue skies and 11° and pourring rain when we arrived home. didn't fare much better for lunch on the way back either. Stopped in Pezanas to find everywhere apart from a Chinese restaurant was closed. Mardi Gras = carnaval= rampant youths apparently and the local commerce was taking no chances. We'd stopped there once before and despite being old and having a strong association with Molière, we'd found it a dreary sort of place. Always ready to give a second chance we'd put that down to it being a Monday with everything closed ... I don't think there'll be a third chance ... the streets were still littered with paper and dog poo and neither one nor the other has anything to do with the day of the week.
the journey back was without problem and the car clocked up it's first 1,000 kms and we've only had it 12 days!
PS Christian couldn't resist this photo before we left. It says "Honneur à Notre Élu"; I don't think that it will catch on here, do you?

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