Friday 26 February 2010

Out of Sync?

Looking at this photo which I took when I was out and about in the village, you would think that Spring had sprung. The perfume of the mimosa filled the air, the sun was shining and the birds were singing but a little farther on Father Christmas was still climbing up onto a balcony! Someone is obviously still living in hope.
These last few days have been so taken up with the exhibition for me and the Mairie for Christian that we didn't even manage a day out together. Never mind, I have managed to get myself relieved of secretarial duties as Martine who is bi-lingual and a retired secretary to boot is ready to take over. I will concentrate on the membership which is much more my forte so things are really beginning to fall into place. As for the wider world of France, the blocade of the refineries was lifted but air traffic control are still on strike, the pensioners were on the march on Wednesday and Regional elections are only 2 weeks away.

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