Saturday 12 February 2011

A Full Day

It was another misty day but unlike the previous few days, it looked as though the sun would break through sooner or later. Breakfast was a copious affair with lovely fresh bread, pancakes, cereal, cheese, ham, homemade cake and fruit.The trees in blossom were just across from the hotel.
Our first port of call was the wine and oil cooperative in the village, then the tourist office in Vilajüiga outside which there was this splendid olive tree. Of course there was time for a coffee before winding our way up through fabulous scenery to the monestry of St Pere de Rodes. What a pity that it was shrouded in mist. The drive down the other side into Port de la Selva was equally zig-zaggy; not a road for those prone to vertigo. Still the sun was shining here and we were able to eat lunch outside overlooking the sea. It was one of those all in 15€ menus which was good for a Saturday as they are often only served on weekdays. We did have to ask for it though having been handed the à la carte menu. How I hate this 'let's try and pull a fast one on the tourists' behaviour but I've probably told you that already.
Instead of afternoon tea we had a hot chocolate in Llança in the afternoon. The tea came with a bit of chocolate cake when we arrived back at Juste and Joséphine's and this was followed by champagne and canapés a bit later on. Now, don't be saying anything, it won't be anything that we haven't said to ourselves. It will be soup and salad tomorrow and no excuses!

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