Monday 21 February 2011

Royal Mail

Well, has a wedding invitation dropped through your letterbox this morning? Apparently the list is still "secret" but the news in France reported that the Beckhams were invited but that the Sarkozys and Obamas were not.
As an aside, French Diplomatic and Froreign Affairs are woeful at the moment; MAM's freebie trip to Tunisa where her father was in talks about buying into real estate, her friendship with the Ben Ali family, her ill -advised pronouncement that France could help train the Police who were in the process of putting down what was then a revolt have meant that there are many demands for her resignation. Fillon's freebie to Egypt met with several rumbles but nowhere near the same ferocity. In response a dictat from on high has tried to establish some dos and don'ts among MPs to pull them back from becoming too embedded in sleeze. Then of course, there's the new Ambassador to Tunisia (close to Sarkozy) who was so undiplomatic in his approach to the local journalists that it only took five days before there were demonstrations demanding his recall. Is a confrontational style now one of the requisites for a career in the diplomatic. I don't think so.
On the other hand, with the Presidential elections next year, our leader is on a charm offensive. Having caused a scandal at the Paris Agricultural Fair in his first year by swearing at one of the farmers and missing the inauguration in his second, he was there this weekend on the opening day all smiles and banter. Are farmers really that dumb? Yet again, I don't think so.

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