Tuesday 8 February 2011

Superior Palates

I'm beginning to feel as though I'm being taken for granted ..... an association day out with only me from the bureau being present for the morning's activities and little communication advising me of that fact. Still, let's be positive, the visit to a vinegar producers was very interesting. A traditional process, lots of different flavours (we bought saffron)and a peaceful setting. What's more, they supply the top chefs in Paris. Lunch in Port Vendres was very good and no one found any fault with the meal or the price. In the afternoon there was a tour of a Banyuls cave which of course came with the opportunity to taste and buy. The day ended with a visit to the Maillol(a sculptor)museum but as we'd already been there, we gave that bit a miss. It's a real wee gem if ever you're this way.
Dropped Joséphine back home where we had a cuppa so there was just a bit of time for Christian to have a nap before his council meeting.

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