Monday 14 February 2011

St Valentine

Yesterday was as predicted, a quiet day with salad for lunch and a basket of ironing for company. That good old self righteous feeling came in handy today as Christian had booked us in at an auberge for lunch. The tasting menu came with a glass, no that's definitely an exaggeration, of wine to go with 3 of the 4 courses. There was only another table of 4 besides us and as they were obviously in the wine business, it was they who had all the attention. The meal was good, shame that we didn't feel that we had value for the quite large amount of money that we spent.
Later on we went over to see Josette and after taking her to the supermarket we kept her company over a cup of tea.You always knew that Christian was a big hearted sort of fella, didn't you?

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