Thursday 24 February 2011

Good News Day

Up with the lark for a committee meeting which meant that I had to grit my teeth and head for the bathroom first rather than lingering until Christian had finished. Still, needs must. After that we drove into Perpignan and while I went for my annual mammogram Christian went to terminate an insurance policy. No prizes for who got the better option. Anyway, I came away with a clean bill of health and Christian came away with the promise of a cheque in the post. By then it was time to high tail it out of the city in search of lunch. We tried a place we'd never been to before in a restored farmhouse that had views onto Canigou and were not disappointed. Lovely imaginative food which was à la nouvelle cuisine but with more on the plate. Definitely one for the guide book.
The sun was shining and the Tromantane blowing as we walked along the prom at Argelès with Christian listening to his music and me trying to absorb some Spanish. A day where everything worked out just right. Who could ask for more?

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