Sunday 27 February 2011

Eating out, Eating In

The sun was shining as we did our round of the market yesterday and had a relaxing drink at the café. Too nice to eat inside so we had lunch at the village bar sitting on the terrace. With the blossom and the sun it feels like spring but we'll need to make the most of it, the temperatures are due to drop.
Christian once again worked his magic in the kitchen today and served up a delicious meal of scallops done in a light sauce and saffron vinegar glaze accompanied by tagliatelli and a good bottle of white wine (which we didn't finish, by the way).
This evening our President appeared for five minutes on the TV to talk about the need to reorganise foreign affairs and as demanded MAM has gone in the latest reshuffle. More of a surprise is that Brice Ortefeux,a close friend of 30 years who was Interior Minister and Minister for Immigration before that has also gone. Neither will be mourned.

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