Monday 7 February 2011

Life's Rich (?) Tapestry

Well, that's another week all but gone and life has ticked over much the same as usual. Mairie, Association,and both of us had our stitches out.
The weekend was a bit more hectic. First, the market after which we went for a cheap and cheerful lunch in between preparing for the tapas evening in the village hall. These two old work horses were there until the bitter end. That's right,after washing the floor and loading the car with all the left over, food, drink and abandoned dirty dishes. Thankfully, someone else (who had only joined that night) took away the recycling and rubbish. Where are the willing hands when there are grotty jobs to do?
Yesterday was spent lazing around and I regret to say that we didn't even go out to enjoy the the 18°of sunshine that the region was blessed with.
Today it's back to the grind. Christian had an 8.30am meeting and has his usual monthly surgery until 7.30pm tonight and later on we'll need to pack away all the left over drink and other paraphernalia.

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