Friday 2 September 2011

A Better End to the Week

Oh dear, the computer was down for four days but thank goodness we were able to pick up our messages at the bar which has a wifi connection. Thursday 3 people from the service provider team came out to fix it. Not quite sure what they were all doing but we were told that call outs weren'talways so top heavy.
Spent the afternoon checking over an English translation as a favour for someone that I don't even like. The evening was much more fun as Margaret, Izzy, Richard, David and Laura came around for something to eat. All pretty easy; Margaret brought the starter (serrano wrapped asparagus), Laura brought the dessert (an oh so light "forgotten cake" which I must get the recipe for) and we fired up the barbeque and kept the glasses topped up. It was a late night so the clearing up had to wait.
Friday evening there was a great turn out for the latest vernissage at the museum. The artist came from Roumania especially. Of course there was an apéritif but there was also music. The evening continued chez nous with take-away pizza, more music from Jean, Michel and Pierre on an up turned wooden wine case. Another late night and more bottles for the recycling!

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