Thursday 15 September 2011

Happy Tourists

First of all, a leisurely breakfast then off to explore Vic where Christian replaced the wedding ring he'd lost when he'd lost weight. Visited Estany, a pretty village followed by lunch in a down - to - earth hostal. A snooze in the shade, another picturesque drive and back to prepare ourselves for the gastronomic menu.
Instead of the glass of fizz that we'd ordered, a bottle came and it didn't even appear on the bill. The chef had worked with Ferran Adriá and the meal was delicious.
Eel with a Grape reduction
Langustines and Scallops
King Prawns with a Potato and Sausagemeat Galette
Suckling Pig with Grilled Aubergine
Marquise de Chocolat with Crème catalane Ice Cream

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