Saturday 3 September 2011


Despite feeling tired after two nights of merrymaking, there was no let up today. The market in the morning after washing up all night's glasses. Met Joséphine and had an apéritif and were persuaded (without much effort) to go back to hers to have a pot luck lunch. It's been really hot and humid and at last some rain came down as we sat on their terrace tucking into pork chops and tomato salad. It didn't last for long but at least it was enought to save watering the plants.
In the evening were invited by our neighbours to join them at a Rugby League match in Perpignan where the Catalan Dragons were playing Hull Kingston Rovers. Sylvie works for the city's Mayor and from time to time gets the chance of complementary tickets for various events. There were 9 of us altogether icluding our Mayor. The weather was perfect, the atmosphere good natured and our seats were the best. The Chairman and main sponsor of the club was next to us as was the President of the Conseil Général. A bit of hob-knobbing for us wee country bumpkins. Pity the Dragons lost 32-30, a better score than we might have expected after the first 15 minutes. I know it's a bit clichéd but the ref made some very odd decisions against the Dragons but we would say that wouldn't we?
After the match we went into the city centre where we had a table reserved for us at the club's official bar on the Quai Vauban. About 300 of us were there for an apéritif followed by a three course meal accompanied by live music. Once again we said to ourselves that we should spend a night in Perpignan every now and then.
On the way home we were stopped by the Gendarmes in a routine alcohol check but thankfully André was not over the limit. Our first experience of Rugby League was a great experience and there's even the promise of the possibility of a Rugby Union match. It just goes to show that it's not who you are, it's who you know.

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