Wednesday 21 September 2011

Food for Friends

The sun came back yesterday and an engineer came out to fix the telephone. We didn't hang around this time hoping for it to sort itself out so normal sevice was soon resumed.
We had organised for Jacques and Yaneth to come for dinner but at the last moment they cancelled so luckily Juste and Joséphine were able to come and weren't in the least bit offended about standing in.
The Beetroot Houmous and the Almond Apple Cake were a first and I was well pleased with the result so they'll be featuring on future menus.
One or two people have mentioned that it would be good to have the recipes that I've talked about. I'm not sure about the legality of including the actual recipe on the site but here are the links:
Beetroot Humous
(makes loads)
Red Pepper Soup with Paprika (serves 4)
Thai Salmon with Noodles
Almond Apple Cake

Yum, yum

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