Sunday 4 September 2011

Milieu Artistique

There was more rain over night so it was a little cooler this morning. As we were to have lunch with a number of others (15) up in the mountains we decided to go a little earlier and have coffee in a little village over the border. Lunch was in honour of Nicholai, the Roumanian artist and there were three other artists in the company. Before lunch there was an apéritif in Eric and Kathy's garden just down the road from the restaurant. There was also the possibilty to look around his studio. Lunch was good, as usual and as usual I had the duck. Then it was back to the house for coffee and petit fours in the garden, accompanied by Jean and Michel on acoustic and electric guitar.
Once home, Christian settled down to a much needed siesta and I watched some catch-up telly interspersed with thoughts of trying a bit harder to lose those 2 kilos that have crept around my middle. Wish me luck!

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