Friday 9 September 2011

A Day Off?

Christian had a day off, well from the Mairie any way, to go out with his household of women. First stop was Capmany to stock up on Cava to take to baby Isla's christening.
From there we stopped off in Vilajuïga for coffee in the tourist centre which always seems to have more staff than visitors. Christian and Maureen bought matching baseball caps and well pleased they were with them too. They weren't quite Queen Mumish enough for Mum but she did borrow Christian's for this photo with St Jacques, the notable pilgrim. There are several pilgrim routes from southern France and Spain that end up in St Jacques de Compostella in NW Spain and Rick Stein featured it recently on his cook's tour of Spain which is more my thing. Stéphane, Christian's son has also done the route from Avignon but he and his friends unlike Rick were not in a VW camper van but with a couple of camels. He's not even a christian but I suppose it was good excercise.
We had our own marvelling to do as we drove through magnificent scenery down to Cadaquez where Dali spent a lot of his time with his wife Gala. The weather being just glorious meant that the town was busy so we carried on to Cap Creus where we had breathtaking views over a beautiful blue sea. There's a restaurant and bar serving simple food so we plonked ourselves down on the terrace and gazed out to the horizon.
It's all a fairly long drive so we stopped on the way back in Llança for a wee stroll along the sea front and rewarded ourselves with some pretty large ice creams.
Once home we unloaded the car, had a short break and wandered around to the bar for an apéritif and some more sunshine.

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