Wednesday 28 September 2011

Food with a View

These last two days have been spent making chutney therefore there wasn't time to do more than put the foie gras that Joséphine bought for us in Samatan in the freezer. in the evening David and Laura took us up to a refuge up in the mountains for dinner. It was warm enough to eat out and the views were spectacular. Only blot on the landscape was a table of Brits who tried to get into conversation with us but we slung them a deafie! One of them had rather loudly told us that he was a retired vet so I presume that the slice of ham that his wife wrapped up in a napkin was for a pet waiting patiently at home.
During the meal we learnt that it was David and Laura's anniversary the next day so we finished off the evening chez nous with a bottle of champagne.

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