Wednesday 14 September 2011

Us Time

I'm actually writing this on 24th October and I know at least two people have been wondering what's been happening. Sorry to have left you in the dark ... we're fine, just been busy being busy! Just read on and all will be revealed sooner or later depending on how much of everyday life gets in the way. ...........................................................................................................
Mum and Maureen left for the airport this morning but not before we had one last coffee in the bar. Got them checked in without a problem, though we found out later than they each went home with the other's passort!
Then it was time for us to have an early celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary (there you are Sheila, the answer to your question). A leisurely lunch in St Coloma de Farnes, a short drive away from the airport and we weren't disappointed. The weather was lovely and sunny and the drive to our hotel on windy roads was beautiful.
The hotel just outside Vic was full of character, the people were charming and the bedroom which had a balcony overlooking the garden, was spacious and reminiscent of Art Nouveau. We'd chosen it via the internet for it's "look" and promise of good food. The chairs in the dining room were seats from an old cinema and when conversation flagged, there were plenty of other interesting things to look at. We had the menu of the day which was far from run of the mill, so we started with a glass of fizz (funnily enough a Blanquette de Limoux was on offer rather than cava) and moved on to...
Escalivada Soup with Truffle Oil
Sliced Iberic Ham with Asparagus
Slow Cooked Beef
Tarte Tatin
We couldn't leave it there so decided to finish off with a liquer.

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