Saturday 24 December 2011

Révillion 2011

As you probably know by now, the main Christmas meal in France is eaten on Christmas Eve. Chez nous was no exception. there were 6 of us around the table, those wee souls without family within visiting distance. As I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to cook we ordered a meal from a local "traiteur" (no, not a take-away, a caterer, if you please!) and very good it was too. The evening progressed as follows:
Cosmopolitan (in memory of our friend David, to whom, we raised our glasses) and not too many canapés
Oysters (merci, Martine)
Pain de Saumon et colin doré au four accompagné de sa crème ciboulette
Aspic au bloc de frois gras et son pain cacoa
Lotte à la américaine et sa timbale de riz
Chapon sauce forestière aux girolles et son Écrasé de pomme de terre à la truffe
Cheese Board (merci, Maggie & Trevor)
Buche de Noël (merci, Jacques)
All this was accompanied by white wine, red wine and champagne.
Finally made it to bed at 3.15am.

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