Wednesday 7 December 2011

Armchair Travel

A varied day today. Dined on pheasant at lunch time thanks to Christian's colleague Carmen whose husband is a hunter ... not bad for midweek. In the afternoon a couple of the Association's members showed a film of their trip to China, followed by refreshments on a Chinese theme. Temples, stupas, gardens, skyscrappers and the Great Wall, it was all there. Breathtaking! It would seem that China is today, rather like the USSR was a few years ago in that the guide was more or less a watchdog.
Christian had a full council meeting where the village's sewage disposal and water supply were under discussion. In the wider world all we are hearing on the news are prophecies of doom about the euro. Oh yes, and today there was a report about lie detectors being used in Benefits Offices in UK ... you can only despair.
Anyway, back closer to home ... after a hasty bowl of soup we went up to Juste and Joséphine's to wish La Mama a "Happy Birthday". I'd made a coconut cake for her as that's her favourite; we drank her health, as she did too, in champagne and tried to sing songs in Spanish. For some reason we've never listened to much Julio Inglsés (!) so Christian and I were pretty lame ducks, contenting ourselves with providing the backing!
If you're wondering about the weather, it's still fine and long may it continue.

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