Tuesday 20 December 2011

Women in the News

A major scadnal has hit the news here in France about leaking breast implants; Not only do they leak but the silicone inside is of industrial quality so it's hardly surprising that there are women wanting answers. There is an international arrest warrant out for the boss as company no longer functions and he is nowhere to be found. The Governement has said that the 30,000 women in France who have them can have them removed on the National Health Service but in Uk apparently, there is no such action being advised. Shades of Holby City
There's also a diplomatic incident brewing between France and Turkey as a law criminalising the negation of the Armenian Genocide between 1915 and 1923 is about to be passed.
The other sad news is that the funeral of that great singer Cesaria Evora takes place today. If you don't know her music you should look her up on You Tube. (Photo from Wikipedia)

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