Saturday 31 December 2011

Seeing the Sights

Made a relatively leisurely start in warm sunshine by taking a taxi to the central market which was a gourmet's paradise. Did quite a bit of walking through interesting streets, taking in several churches and small squares. Of course lunch had to be either paella or black rice and even though the guide books say that the paellas in Valencia itself aren't so good, we had no complaints. Sadly being a Saturday, there was no menú del dia so we had to pay the full whack!
In the evening, after apéritifs we went out in search of somewhere to eat but more out of obligation than desire. We had the choice of either Chinese or the little bar in the apartment block but as none of us was particularly hungry, we opted to see the New Year in, in the flat where foie gras, champagne and other nice bits and pieces kept us going until about 2am.

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