Monday 10 February 2014

Comings and Goings

More of the same with a constant stream of leafleters. I've been housebound hunched up over the computer only taking a break from the Scotland stuff to get the blog up to date, But what a treat when Christian came back from Nany's with a bunch of mimosa that's been wafting it's heady scent in my direction as I tap away. Now, this afternoon, Christian and Jean-Jacques have been on the campaign trail this afternoon and then there's a twinning meeting this evening. He should manage to get a bowl of soup in-between times to keep him going and instead of hunching, I shall slump in front of that other screen that isn't good for me.
13° Blue skies, cloud later

We had thought to have a quiet  day with just an omelette for lunch and some tv time but we all know
what happens to bestlaid plans. All the comings and goings  really started on Friday as we are the distribution point for André's first campaign leaflet. This morning we had Jose who stayed for coffee, then Martine who stayed for a long drawn out apéritif. In between times I spent the day and the early part of the evening hunched over the computer putting together a detailed itinerary our tour of Scotland and it's not yet finished.
13° Blue Skies, cloud later

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