Friday 7 February 2014

And Again!

Today's main event was the Association's tapas evening for which I made Delia's seriously delicious Austrian Coffee and Walnut Cake again. If you're interested in the recipe, scroll back to 19th January and you'll find the link there. Sadly by the time I arrived at the sweet things stage, it was all gone. This evening's theme was "noir et blanc" so this gave us the chance to wear the trilbies that we bought in Figueres the other week. While we went for more of a gangster look, Jean-Jacques and Michel were much more stylish. It was well attended and there was also a quiz which we didn't win. We didn't win the prize for the most original get-up either. Neither did JJ and Michel but we're nothing if not good losers!
13° Overcast start, sun later
Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics in (well, outside really) Sochi. To think that when I went there, it was mid summer and and I was still able to fit into a bikini!

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