Monday 3 February 2014

All Saga's come to an End

Our evening out brought a series of invitations, the first being an apéritif today chez Henri and Michelle. Henri then  insisted that we share their lunch. Arrived home late afternoon when Christian had a siesta (Henri had started his before we even had our coats on to leave!) and I delivered the association's latest newsletter. Home for tea and the gripping and surprising end of "The Bridge". I don't think that the Belgian offering next week will be able to live up to it. There's no one quite like Saga! 
13° and blue skes. Just look at the photo taken from in front of Michelle and Henri's.

Nothing particular today apart from Christian having his monthly surgery up in the mountains. Michel was held up in a meeting so he was alone until the upstair's neighbour came down and brought an apéritif.
13°. Clear blue skies to start but clouding over later
  • Holland puts on hold assissted conception for lesbians and legalising surrogacy after demonstrations yesterday. He intends to concentrate on the economy. in his favour, he didn't backtrack on the drive to eradicate sexism in the classroom, another iniative that's throwing the conservative reactionary sections of society (we all know who) into a flat spin.
  • Wild storms continue to batter the Brittany coast.

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