Friday 28 February 2014

An Island of Excess in a Week of Relative Calm

 Today was one without any excess. Went to Spanish and was delighted when Pacquita with whom we have a telephone link asked if it was me that had just spoken. "You didn't recognise my accent?" says I. "No", she replied, "that's why I asked!" Sputters of mirth all around as I'm normally absolutely hopeless. It cheered me up no end and now we've a 2 week break in which to forget everything.
12° and feeling chilly despite the sun. Rain later
Presumed Russian soldiers  positioning themselves at key points in the Crimea

A very heavy day caloriewise. Had lunch at the restaurant after the language exchange. There was actually a choice of already prepared meals in the fridge so I'm not sure what the excuse was. There again, do we really need one? In the evening we were back again for a get-together with most of the election team. If you look in the top left hand corner of the photo, you'll see the elderly statesmen of the team in a huddle discussing the  Mairie/politics, while the rest of us were talking about less weighty matters .... and a series of tapas just kept coming!
12°, sun in the morning, rain in the afternoon
Anelke, the French footballer who plays (or maybe not) for West Brom has been fine £80,000 and given a 5 match ban for using the "quenelle" gesture during a match. In defence he says he didn't know it was an anti-semitic gesture! (or maybe not)

Jean and Françoise came for an apéro
13°, sun and cloud

Another day infront of the computer and no evening meeting for Christian
16°, sun then rain overnight

Awoke with the resolve to be reasonable today so an salad with raw veg (no dressing for me!) was on the menu for lunch. Slightly derailed at lunchtime as Dominque stopped by looking for a favour and of course, was offered an apéritif.
16°, sun

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