Friday 21 February 2014

There goes another Week

At long last we managed to do some supermarket shopping. That might be nothing of interest to you but for us, it's an event worth mentioning!  There was a public meeting in the evening where André invited  his list to present themselves. Sorry, the photo isn't too clear but I'd still vote for the guy with the white hair and classy overcoat. There wasn't any heckling mainly because, rather than drag out a debate, André invited those present to partake in  'un pot d'amitié'. Even the opposition swallowed their principles and drank up! Shame the bar is closed as a more intimate drink would have rounded off the evening well. still, Jean-Louis and Eve have the right to have a holiday, like us all ....... but 5 weeks?
12°, overcast

It being Thursday we had lunch in the restaurant and then in the afternoon I only managed to peel myself away from the computer to go to the museum with Nany to buy a birthday present for Michèle. Then we came back afterwards for tea. For Christian, there was a campaign meeting this evening followed by an apéritif dinatoire chez nous for Jean-Jacques and Carmen. Jack Munroe could learn a thing or two from me as I fed 4 of us with nothing significant in the fridge.
17°, blue skies
Every day there are fears being spread about Scottish independence and its financial recpercussions.

Not only is there banging at the front of the house but today, there is a steamroller making a lot of noise at the back. The holes in the street are being filled and the street resurfaced.Talk about going up in the world ; they've done a good job but pleas, no comments about councillors being favourised!
15°, sunny pells
Escalation of violence against pro-west protesters in Kiev.

Lots of banging coming from next door where the scaffolding is up and the stonework is being exposed. We did ours several years ago, so there's no room to complain about the noise and the dust. There was food enough left from last night to see us through the day just until  apéritif time in the evening. Armand and Martine organised a drink and nibbles after the Maire's weekly meeting to which "other halves" were invited. Jean-Jacques came back with us to finish off the evening. Do I hear you say "and your arteries!" Tant pis - you're a long time dead, says I.
13°, cloudy

At the moment there are neighbourhood meetings that are being organised usually in people's home. this evening there was one for the centre of the village but as a number of people were expected to attend, it was in a public room (actually in a disused chapel). Just as well as there were about 50 people in attendance. There had been threats that there would be the press and other disruptions because one family doesn't want the square pedestrianised (where would they park their 4x4?) but it came to nothing. Even someone on theopposite list was for the project! I gave the meeting a miss and instead prepared an apéritif for Jean-Jacques and André afterwards.
Weather: 13°

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