Thursday 13 February 2014

Ups and Downs

There was no language exchange for me this morning as I joined Françoise and Thérèse for a trip to Figueres. The weather was just glorious. I was disappointed that we didn't stop for a coffee on the Ramblas to start off but we did eat there at lunch time. However, our table was right by the road and the food typical tourist stuff. Grrrh!
Meanwhile, Christian and Jean-Jacques went to Can Nadal for a pleasanter setting and far better meal.
On arriving home from his campaign meeting, Christian noticed that the restaurant was serving scrambled egg with truffle, so we off we went as given the price of these rarities, it isn't something that we'd serve up at home.
18° Bright Sunshine

Another anti-André tract has arrived by post in the village. This time it had xenophobic overtones. It really is a sad that such a rag should overshdow all the good that happens here.
This afternoon I went to the funeral of an elderly woman from the village while Christian helped deliver an election circular. Later I joined Lynne, Dani and Anne for this month's "apérobio". Christian, meantime was chez Jean-Jacques for an omlette and a glass of wine. I joined them later but we were sensible enough not to stay too late.
15° Blue skies and sunshine

Jean-Jacques and Michel stopped by after the regular Tuesday meeting at the Mairie for an apéritif dinatoire.
14° Sunny

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