Sunday 23 February 2014

Not for the Feint Hearted!


Started the day with a small bowl of 0% fromage blanc and a spoon of Violet's marmalde for breakfast in preparation for another hard day for the stomache. We were invited with André, Jeannine and Jaqui (a neighbour) to celebrate Michèle's birthday at a local restaurant but first there was an apéritif at their house. The meal was good and needless to say too much . it took an iron will to tuck into the cake which came with a glass of bubbly offered by the establishment. It didn't end there as Henri invited us all back for a digestif. Finally arrived home worn out, stuffed to the gunnals!
17°, sunshine and blue skies

Little did we know it, but we were in for a hard weekend of socialising. the morning started simply enough with a trip to the market but that was followed by an apéritif with the fisherman's association that had been cleaning up the river in the centre of the village.150kg! The sun was shining, we were in good spirits so went off to have lunch at the restaurant. There was no wind so a table on the terrace was a real treat. From there we went up to the village hall to see how the older persons' club was enjoying their "birthday" meal. They'd arrived at the cheese stage and were having a great time. we were invited to stay fror a drink and some cake so i finally handed over my cash (from Christian's wallet) for my membership. I also, paid to join the Wednesday ramblers all i need to do is buy some batons and psyche myself up!
There was just an hour before leaving there and going to José and Violet's for an apéro. Well, that's what we thought; it was an apéro + chacuterie + meal. There was even cake with the coffee after the meal and a pot of marmalde to take home.
15°, sunshine
Tymochenko, the ex President of Ukraine (she with the blonde braids who was imprisoned for corruption) was released and made an appearance in a wheelchair in front of the protesters in Kiev. The current President leaves the city, presumably to head for Russia.

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