Saturday 1 February 2014

Addressing a Haggis!

A little late as Alistair (the piper who played at my birtday a few years ago) was busy at a Burn's Supper in Barcelona on the 25th. Can you believe it? The supper took place in Lamanere, the most southerly village in France which has a population of 57! It's been held there for the last 10 years but we've never had the courage to drive up there at night but this time Brian and Dani took us with them. André, Nany, Michelle and Henri came in another car.
There were about 70 of us all told. There were speaches in French, English and Catalan, some poetry, dancing, whisky, a few songs and the haggis was an authentic "Mac Sween's" - the best there is.If you're interested in Burns follow this link  where you can read his "Address to the Haggis" and other delights.
11°, 8° when we left, 2° when we arrived. Iwas cold, misty and there was some light snow in the rain from time to time but thankfully we got there and back without mishap, even passing through a Police check farther down the valley!

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