Monday 13 October 2014

Norman Conquest

Today, our Normans were out all day which gave us the chance to catch up with things at home. Christian had his stiches out and though still feeling pretty sore but he doesn't complain. With just enough time to have a snack, take a group photo and say their goodbyes, when they got  back to the village after a successful trip over the border, our visitors clambered back into the bus and headed for the green, green pastures of home. All that way for such a short time. Next year it's us that will be taking the long road North. All that was left was to stay and help  to clear up after which 17 of us went down to the bar for something to eat and relax.
26° Sun

Our visitors should have participated in the village "October Fair" but with early morning rain, it was called off. This meant that it was up to us to entertain them. As Christian drove for the first time since his op, we didn't go far, just to Céret. Wouldn't you know it, the sun came out for the rest of the day. Lunch at the Foyer and then a trip out for them and a  much needed rest for Christian. Then it was back to the hall for an  evening meal of "Fideuà" , speeches and an exchange of gifts.
26° Early rain, sun and some wind

The bus from Normandy with over 50 folk on board arrived in glorious sunshine. There was a welcome drink at the village hall during which a host/guest hook-up took place. As Agnès had booked late, she went to stay with here aunt who lives a couple of kms from here and we 'inherited' Pascal, Sylvie and Josiane from Martine. Agnes did join us for lunch though (roast wild boar)  as did Jean-Jacques. In the afternoon our visitors were whisked off to Perpignan before the evening meal back at the hall.
24° Sun

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