Sunday 5 October 2014

Not so Hale but Hearty!

Went with Françoise and Jean in the afternoon to visit the patient who's looking forward to coming home tomorrow.
22° Sun, cloudy later

Well, poor old Christian didn't have such a good night - pain and a reaction to the anaesthetic but now able to get out of bed, he was picking up when we spoke first thing this morning. He'd already been for an electrocardiogram and xray to check the electrodes.
Before going to visit I went to the market (never been there so early) to do a couple of things and have a coffee with Henri. Then it was the bus to the clinic  where I found his nibs just finishing off his lunch. As you can see, despite not having shaved, he's is looking better though he's still taking pain killers and trying not to use his left arm because of the wound. Roger kindly came in to  pick me up so I was home before 6pm with a blissfully quiet evening in front of me. Christian's evening was even quieter. He was feeling very tired so when I phoned at 8.15pm, he was already asleep and I woke him up. Luckily he can get back off pretty easily and doesn't get grumpy.
23° Sun. 
Christian Olive, Socialist Maire of Le Boulou died suddenly aged 66. He always looked to be in good shape, so everyone with an interest in local politics is pretty shocked.

Well, here he is after a long haul in the operating block. Christian left his room at 7h30 and didn't get back until 12h20. In fact I'd just gone off o the nurses station to find out what was happening. Needless to say that he was pretty groggy during the afternoon and slept a lot. Thank goodness I had a book with me. Still, when I left he was starting to perk up, making jokes and resigned to not coming home until Monday rather than tomorrow as we'd expected. Still, it's all for the best, methinks.
I'm off out in five minutes to Jean-Jacques for apéritifs along with  Sandrine and Jean-Marie, so must dash.
Well, in fact there was no sign of Sandrine, nor of Aurore who had also been invited but instead Carmen and Chantal were there busying themselves in the kitchen heating up the canapés with Jean-Jacques looking on.  We washed the food down with cava, red wine and an endless stream of conversation. In no time it was 10pm and the right moment to depart but oh dear, while passing the bar, I came across Di, Robin (who sensibly went to bed) and Roger. More conversation, this time in English and before we knew it, it was gone midnight and bed was calling loudly.
24° Sunny
Second Briton beheaded by I.S.

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