Thursday 23 October 2014

From the Dizzy Heights

Not the usual Thursday as we finally went on the trip with Nick and Lizzie that we'd been talking about since before the summer. Since they don't really know the other side of the frontier, the idea was to take them to Can Xiquet to enjoy the view and have lunch. Started by showing them Can Nadal also with a view and the little church beside it for future reference. They weren't disappointed at Can Xiquet especially as we were able to have our cava out on the terrace  As the menu is 48€, and it wasn't a special occasion, we went down for lunch somewhere simpler. I had in mind Can Cassoletes in Espolla (13€) but it was closed so off we went to Can Tomás (12€) in Rabós and it too was closed. Decided to backtrack to La Parra in St Climents as it had been recommended by a friend as a cheap and cheerful place. Talk about the sublime to the ridiculous. An unsophisticated place, buzzing with locals. Menu with wine was 10.50€, great value and cheerful, patient service. On the way back we stopped off to stock up on cava but didn't linger long as Christian was really on form and Nick and Lizzie had to see to their 3 dogs.
22°, Sun, light cloud, less windy than yesterday.

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