Wednesday 22 October 2014

Patience is a Virtue

With much chivvying up and a lot of relief we managed to get Stéphane to the station for 8.30am. On returning home, I did a clean up and found several bits and pieces that he'd left and Christian went to the Mairie to catch up on his work. Feeling in need of some space and a change of scene we headed off to "La Central" for lunch only to find that they didn't start serving until 13h30 so rather than wait we went down to Pont de Molins instead . Also there, were the patrons of the village bar having a quiet lunch tête à tête. After the usual greetings we left them in peace and treated ourselves to the special mushroom menu. Their one day off a week and they end up with regular clients.
This evening we were due to meet Lone and Jesper, Danish friends for an apéritif at the restaurant but they called it off due to Lone not feeling well. We decided to go anyway and while quietly sitting in our corner sipping away 9 giants came in. I kid you not! It was quite funny to see them one after the other taking care not to bash their heads on the low beams. We found out later that they were Dutch.
20° Sun , Tramontane blowing at 100km/hr
A soldier was shot dead in the Parlement in Ottawa

Another failed day. This time we didn't get to the lake at Darnius for lunch which was a real shame as it was a lovely day weatherwise. Christian went to the Mairie and I attacked the pruning. Nerves are getting a little frayed and patience is wearing thin.
  • Oscar Pristorious sentenced to 5 years in prison
  • Oscar de la Renta (for along time my favourite perfume) died
We had thought to have a day out in Figueres but Stéphne didn't get his act together. Had to make do with lunch at home and a run down to Argelès for a drink overlooking the marina.
25° Sun
Christophe De Magerie, the CEO of Total,(and one time boss of Christian) died in a crash in Moscow when his plane hit a snow plough left on the runway.

It took even longer to get Stépane out today which meant that we were late getting up to the frontier for the Lluis Campays commemoration. If you're wondering what it is, just look back to previous posts at this time of year There were fewer participants than usual as folk were at a huge demo in Barcelona. Went down to La Vajol for lunch with Nany and André and were joined by Jean (one of the opposition) and Thérèse. All very amicable and really pleasant to be sitting out.
23° Sunny spells

Finally got out to the market in the morning and had a siesta in the afternoon. Stéphane spent most of the time sleeping.
23° Sun

Just went to the bar for a drink where we met Jean-Marie and had lunch with Jean-Jacques. Christian slept in the afternoon, Stéphane a lot longer and instead of going to bed at night he stayed out on the terrace, fell asleep and rolled off his seat, cutting his head!
24° Sun

Our Thursday routine of language exchange, bar and restaurant was broken by the addition of a trip to Perpignan to pick up Stéphane at the railway station. We were waiting at one enterance, he at another but that's par for the course, I guess
24° Sun

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