Sunday 26 October 2014

No Cooking Weekend

Started the day with a walk up to the camping where the Mairie had organised a refreshment station for the annual cross country marathon organised by Le Boulou. The extra hour in bed came in handy. Then it was down to Philippe's for lunch along with Josette and Jordi. By the time we came back home Frank, Stéphanie and the kids were installed in the house at he start of heir week's holiday.
26° sun

Frank came to take away the garden rubbish first thing which left us free to get off to the market to meet Lone and Jesper for a coffee before their departure to Denmark. By the time they'd bid us their farewells Henri had appeared and we had moved on to a glass of wine.
In the evening David and Laura chauffered us to Henri and Michèle's for dinner and for once André and Nany (who had another obligation) didn't make up the party. There was the most delicious asparagus mousse and pork en croûte on the menu and of course, plenty of good wine for the non drivers. Just look how Christian is dwarfed by David and Henri. He should have played rugby!
27° Sun
Jack Bruce of "Cream" died aged 71

Finally made time to clear up the garage and beleve me, it was long overdue and a job well done. In the evening we joined Terry and 7 others at the restaurant to celebrate his birthday. Christian left a little earlier than the rest of us because he was tired not because he was the only Frenchman at he table.
26° Sunny

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